Options for Reporting

Report Explorer

The HR3 software suite comes with approximately 200 standard reports which have been designed to cover a broad range of requirements. There are also options for additional reports. Report Explorer can be accessed via Navigator | Report Explorer or the Report Explorer button on the toolbar.

See Introduction to Report Explorer.

Advanced Reporting

Advanced reporting adds sophisticated business intelligence reporting capabilities to payroll, kiosk, hr, and whs modules.

Data Explorer

Data Explorer accessed by going to Navigator | Data Explorer or the Data Explorer button on the toolbar. It is a customisable data analysis tool that allows you to run pre-defined query types such as Employees, Leave, and Wage Analysis.

Functionality within Data Explorer includes allowing you to save and re-use a customised layout, or produce customised reports in grid form, etc.

See Overview of the Data Explorer.

Crosstab Analyzer

Found within Data Explorer, Crosstab Analyzerprovides customisable data reporting and analysis tools. Using the Crosstab Analyzer you can turn a large amount of data into a compact report with easily manageable results or effectively analyse numerical information.

See Overview of the Crosstab Analyzer.